The RABBLE Podcast Act 3

Published: February 9, 2020

It’s been a while so Act 3 of The Rabble Podcast is a bumper edition!

Join Dani and Toby in a central Reading wine bar with guest supporter and sponsor Alexis Lane from local legal firm The Head Partnership (thp).

Together they discuss the business of running a professional theatre company, Toby asks for advice on attracting new sponsors, and Alexis gives us her perspective on Rabble and their work in the community.

Along the way there’s also some exclusive production news, Dani nearly reveals a secret about ‘Off the Block’, and Toby asks Alexis to say who she thinks was the better performer in the Rabble’s trilogy of Reading Abbey plays……him or Dani……this could get ugly!

As if all that wasn’t enough we visit Rabble’s Monday night adult acting class called ‘Get up on stage’, and we get the latest on the company’s next blockbuster production ‘The Last Abbot’.